COVID-19 new strain updates

Kumar Abhishek
3 min readJan 20, 2021

It’s here folks. Please don’t take it lightly anymore.

The new coronavirus strain first seen in the UK has landed on Canadian soil. It’s here folks!

Two cases have been identified in a couple with no travel history to track leading to the lockdown of the province. It has come as nothing less as a punch, while we were getting ready to get our vaccine and get back to our lovely life.

Like the old strain wasn’t enough we have now got ourselves its bully of a big brother. The steroid pumped UK strain includes a genetic mutation in the spike protein, which has resulted in it spreading more easily.

It’s just not the time for us to go out, we have to realize the issues at hand and stay home as much as possible. The new UK virus is 40 to 70% more transmissible than the old strain. Canada has become the newest target of this strain and if we don’t watch out we might get a longer stay-at-home punishment.

The new virus variant has been named ‘VUI-202012/01’. The variant carries 14 mutations out of which seven are in the spike protein which is responsible for mediating entry of the virus into a human cell. What a bummer!

UK prime minister Boris Johnson has claimed a 70percent more transmissible chance as compared to version 1.0. But no such evidence is currently present that can prove that it is likely to cause a severe coronavirus infection. Now you would be thinking, so it’s the same virus. I beg your pardon! Even if it has some kind of capability, let’s not forget it is more transmissible. So it is still deadly. Scientists are still trying to understand how to dress the variant is.

We still don’t know if it spreads faster in children or older people, observing UK cases alone, there has been an increased no of cases and with more children being affected, parents and people, in general, are getting scared. So should we risk it? No, absolutely not!

Like all viruses, COVID is also a shapeshifter. There have been thousands of tiny modifications in the original strain but not to the extent of what has been reported in the UK strain. This variant affects the viruses latching capability onto human cells and takes an easy route to infect the host. What has to be the scariest thing is that this strain mostly targets the audience that didn’t even know they would be this close to being sick. Now officially no age group is safe as the new strain attacks mostly age group of 30 to 60.

Now don’t be all down, there is always a way to save yourself and we have a simple one- wash hands and use a mask. If you’re not going to listen to me, at least listen to the medical experts. Experts have stressed the importance of practicing physical distancing. Wearing a mask right now is like having yourself the Captain America Shield. It will protect you.

Let’s save humanity. Be a real life hero — Wear a mask!

